When photographing wedding days, there are a few things I ALWAYS bring with me. As a wedding photographer, a lot can go wrong on wedding days! It’s always best to be as prepared as possible. Thanks Girl Scouts! So here are a few things I wouldn’t be caught without on wedding days.
- Extra Clean SD & CF cards
- Extra Charged batteries
- A towel for wiping off wet bouquets (This is the most important thing EVER!)
- First Aid kit + bandaids
- Sewing Kit + extra clear small buttons
- Bobby pins
- Safety pins
- Hand sanitizer
- Tissues
- Deodorant (several individual small ones)
- Clear coat nail polish (for fixing runs in nylons!)
- Earring backs
Hopefully some of these things gave you an idea of what to keep in your own bag for weddings so you aren’t caught unprepared!