So, every photographer has an arsenal of lenses. I have five lenses my self! However, today I wanted to write about my absolute FAVORITE lens out of all my lenses. Whether you’re just starting photography, or are just a casual observer, you’ll want to know about this lens.
Each photographer’s favorite lens is different, but mine is easily my Sigma 50mm 1.4. Most professional photographers have a 50mm 1.2 by Canon (the lens with a little red ring around it), but I have a Sigma. They are around the same price; Sigma’s 50 only running a few hundred dollars cheaper used than the Canon 50mm. If both lenses are out of budget, check out the 50mm 1.8 on Amazon. (Linked below) It’s a cheap entry level pro lens that will get you started!
Experts say that the 50mm is about what the human eye sees with one eye closed, but I believe that’s a little closer to the 35mm lens. However, my fifty definitely lives up to it’s ‘nifty fifty’ name. I literally can do everything with my 50mm. The lens is perfect for taking amazing portraits of people, of detailed landscapes or even food photography. The 1.4 aperture allows lots of light in for low light settings, and the sharpness of the image quality is outstanding. Though the Sigma 50mm is longer and heavier than the Canon 50mm, it is very robust with its metal and waterproof shell. It holds up well to small dings and scuffs, and still looks brand new. My 50mm is my walk around lens as it’s the perfect focal length for capturing shorter buildings and street scenes.
If I had to pick just one lens to live with forever it would be this lens!
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