Traveling with Camera Gear
Traveling with camera gear is one of the scariest things a photographer can do! Our gear sometimes costs thousands of dollars and the risk of losing that is great. However, there are a lot of great camera bags you can use when traveling. Having a great bag is one way to protect your gear while traveling.
One of my personal favorite bags is a backpack by Kamrette. It’s a faux leather bag that is water proof and comfortable. The inside is completely padded, protecting all that expensive glass! It has a laptop sleeve, plenty of pouches and pockets for extra batteries and SD cards and even for porting your hard drive around. The only thing it lacks in my eyes, is a large pocket for a water bottle. It has side pockets, but they are super small, and barely fit my iPhone 7+ with a thick phone case.
If you’re not interested in investing in an expensive camera bag like Kamrette, an easy way to protect gear is to wrap it in clothing in your carryon bag. I’ve done this when traveling overseas with just one camera and lens, and it works like a champ.
Another easy way to protect your gear is to make foam pouches to slide your lenses or camera bodies into. Buying a bolt of fabric from a fabric store, and two inch padded foam makes a great start. You’ll want to cut the foam into long rectangle pieces to make a tube with for lenses, and smaller rectangles for your body. Sew the fabric over top and use hot glue or hand-stitch the pieces together to make compact traveling cases for your gear. This is also fun and easy to do!
If you have a favorite way of traveling with your camera gear, drop it below and I’ll be sure it add it to my post!